Wednesday, 13 August 2014

WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility

 MO03: WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility User Guide Version 1.0
WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility
CHAPTER 1. WEBSPHERE MQ QUEUE LOAD / UNLOAD UTILITY..............................................1
Windows DIRECTORY...................................................................................................................................1
AIX DIRECTORY...........................................................................................................................................1
Solaris DIRECTORY......................................................................................................................................1
HP DIRECTORY............................................................................................................................................1
Linux DIRECTORY.........................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2. GETTING STARTED..........................................................................................................2
EXAMPLE 1. UNLOAD A QUEUE TO A FILE...........................................................................................................2
EXAMPLE 2. LOAD A QUEUE FROM A FILE...........................................................................................................2
EXAMPLE 3. COPY THE MESSAGES FROM ONE QUEUE TO ANOTHER QUEUE........................................................2
EXAMPLE 4. MOVE THE MESSAGES FROM ONE QUEUE TO ANOTHER QUEUE.......................................................2
EXAMPLE 5. WORK WITH THE FILE OF MESSAGES................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 3. PARAMETERS....................................................................................................................3
CONNECTION METHODS......................................................................................................................................3
FILE USE.............................................................................................................................................................3
QUEUE ACCESS OPTIONS......................................................................................................................................3
CONTEXT OPTIONS..............................................................................................................................................4
DISPLAY OPTIONS...............................................................................................................................................4
Combination of Hex and ASCII data..............................................................................................................4
Interleaved Hex and ASCII data.....................................................................................................................5
Message Index................................................................................................................................................5
SUMMARY DATA.................................................................................................................................................5
MESSAGE SELECTION..........................................................................................................................................6
Message Range...............................................................................................................................................6
Search String..................................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 4. FILE FORMAT....................................................................................................................8
EXAMPLE - CHANGING THE USER ID...................................................................................................................8
ATTRIBUTE FORMAT REFERENCE........................................................................................................................8
RECOGNISED FILE FORMATS................................................................................................................................9 iv
WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility
Table 1: Context options use by QLOAD................................................................................................4
Table 2: Message range options used by QLOAD.................................................................................6
Table 3: Search string options used by QLOAD.....................................................................................7
Table 4: Meaning of column one symbol in file format...........................................................................8
Table 5: Message descriptor attribute representations...........................................................................9 v
WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility
Ever since I released my MA01 (Q Utility) SupportPac I have had periodic requests to explain how it can be used to unload, and subsequently reload, messages from a queue. The answer has always been that this is not what MA01 is for and that surely there must be a utility available. Well, after sufficient numbers of these requests I looked for a utility myself and didn’t really find anything which fitted the bill. What was needed was a very simple, some would say unsophisticated, program which unloaded a queue into a text file. The notion of a text file was important because a number of users wanted the ability to change the file once it had been created. I also find that text based files are more portable and so this seemed useful if we want to unload a queue, say on Windows, and then load the messages again on a Solaris machine. The disadvantage of this approach is that the file is larger than it would be in binary mode. Storing data using the hex representation of the character rather than the character itself essentially uses twice as much space. However, in general I do not envisage people using this program to unload vast amounts of message data but a few test messages or a few rogue messages on the dead letter queue which are then changed and reloaded elsewhere.
I would like to thank Morag Hughson for writing this user guide and for testing the described functionality. Writing the code is the fun bit and without her offering to do the leg work I doubt whether this SupportPac would have ever seen the light of day.
I hope you find this program useful. As always I welcome your comments, both good and bad. Please feel free to e-mail me with any bug reports or suggestions. vi
WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility

Chapter 1.

This document describes the functions available in the SupportPac.

The WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility allows the user to copy or move the contents of a queue, its messages, to a file. This file can be saved away as required and used at some later point to reload the messages back onto the queue. This file has a specific format understood by the utility, but is human-readable, so that it can be updated in an editor before being reloaded. Care should be taken not to change the format when editing fields within it. The utility will only reload a file with the correct format.
The following platforms are supplied in the zip file
• Windows
• Solaris
• HP
• Linux

Download this file (in BINARY) to a temporary directory and unzip with the option to ensure the subdirectories stored in the ZIP file are re-created). This will create subdirectories containing the following:
qload.exe - will run as a client or a Queue Manager program (see -l parameter).

qload - runs as a Queue Manager program
• qloadc - runs as a client program

qload - runs as a Queue Manager program
• qloadc - runs as a client program

qload - runs as a Queue Manager program
• qloadc - runs as a client program

qload - runs as a Queue Manager program
• qloadc - runs as a client program

Once unzipped, transfer the appropriate executable, again in binary, to the destination system.
WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility

Chapter 2. Getting Started

The WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility can be useful for a number of tasks. These are detailed below as simple examples. All of these examples can be modified with the use of a number of other parameters which are documented in “Chapter 3. Parameters” on page 3.
Example 1. Unload a Queue to a File Example 1. Unload a Queue to a File

To save the messages that are on a queue, to a file, perhaps for archiving purposes and the possibility of later reload back onto a queue; use the following options on the command line.
qload –m QM1 –i Q1 –f c:\myfile
This takes a copy of the messages from the queue and saves them in the file specified. The format of this file is described in “Chapter 4. ” on page 8.
Example 2. Load a Queue from a File

To reload a queue with the messages you saved in “Example 1. Unload a Queue to a File”, use the following options on the command line. Note that the file passed to WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility must be a recognised format. The recognised formats are listed in “” on page 9.
qload –m QM1 –o Q1 –f c:\myfile
Example 3. Copy the messages from one Queue to another Queue

The file parameter in “Example 1. Unload a Queue to a File” could be replaced with another queue name instead, allowing the messages from one queue to be copied to another queue, using the following options on the command line.
qload –m QM1 –i Q1 –o Q2
Example 4. Move the messages from one Queue to another Queue

A variation on “Example 3. Copy the messages from one Queue to another Queue” would be to move the messages instead of copying them. This illustrates the distinction between using –i (lower case) which only browses a queue, and –I (upper case) which destructively gets from a queue. Use the following options on the command line.
qload –m QM1 –I Q1 –o Q2
Example 5. Work with the file of messages

Having unloaded the message from your queue, as in “”, you may want to edit the file. You may also want to change the format of the file to use one of the display options that you did not specify at the time you unloaded the queue. You can use the WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility to reprocess the file into the desired format even after the unload of the queue has taken place. Use the following options on the command line.
qload –f c:\oldfile –f c:\newfile -dA
File Format

Recognised file formats

WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility

Getting StartedGetting Started

Chapter 3. Parameters

There are a number of switch parameters that can be passed to WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility to control the behaviour you need. These are detailed in this chapter.
Connection Methods

You have two connection methods available to you with the WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility. You can either connect directly to a local queue manager, or connect using a client connection. The default behaviour is to connect directly to the queue manager. If you have a default queue manager you can omit the –m switch which provides the queue manager name. To connect to the Queue Manager via a client, using the client channel table or the environment variable MQSERVER, use the following options on the command line.
mqsc –m QM1 –l mqic32
File Use

As already seen in “Chapter 2. ” on page 2, the –f flag is used to indicate the file name. This file may already exist in which case the program will ask whether you wish to overwrite it or not. If you select not to overwrite the file, no messages will be unloaded and the utility will end. You can select to overwrite the file when asked this question, or you can specify that the file to be used should be overwritten if it exists by using the –F (upper case) option as shown, on the command line.
qload –m QM1 –i Q1 –F c:\myfile
If you wish to combine the messages from two queues into one file, you can use your operating system services to concatenate the two files together and the format will still be acceptable to WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility.
You can also use the –f flag to specify stdout as the output source instead of a file name. This may be useful if you simply wish to display the messages on the queue to the screen, or pipe the output another program.
Queue access options

As already seen in “Chapter 2. ” on page 2, the –o flag is used to indicate the output queue, that is the queue to which messages are put; the –i and –I flags are used to indicate the input queue, that is the queue from which messages are browsed or destructively got.
If the messages on the queue being unloaded need to be converted, the –c flag should be used to cause the MQGET call from the input queue to specify GMO_CONVERT with the CCSID and Encoding values specified. The encoding value should be specified in hex. Use the following options on the command line.
qload –m QM1 –i Q1 –f c:\myfile –c 850:X’222’
If all that is required is to use the local code page and native encoding then simply use the following options on the command line.
qload –m QM1 –i Q1 –f c:\myfile –c 0
WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility

File Format

Context Options

There are two sets of context information in the Message Descriptor (MQMD), the identity context fields and the origin context fields. These are described in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. The default action of the WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility is to set all the context information in the MQMD to that which was saved in the file being loaded. This requires the user ID under which the utility is running to have appropriate authority to set all the context fields.
The context fields can be manipulated in other ways using the various other options with the –C flag. “” details the options that can be used. The main difference to note is that the first two options are applicable when loading from a file, and the second two options are applicable when loading one queue from another queue. Option
Set all the context fields in the MQMD to that which was saved in the file.
Set only the identity context fields in the MQMD to that which was saved in the file.
Pass all the context fields in the MQMD from the messages on the input queue to the messages on the output queue.
Pass only the identity context fields in the MQMD from the messages on the input queue to the messages on the output queue.
Context fields in the MQMD of messages on the output queue will represent the WebSphere MQ Queue Load / Unload Utility.
There will be no information in the Context fields in the MQMD of messages on the output queue.

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