Thursday, 11 July 2013

Programing Question-1

Programming Questions

Q1)What is the o/p of following program?

public class Test{
  static {i=5;}
   static int i;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
   System.out.println("i value is "+i);

a) 0
b) 5
c) Compilation error
d) 1

Answer is b
Q2) What is the o/p of following program?

  public class Test{
  static i=5;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
   Test test = null;
   System.out.println("i value is "+test.i);

a) 0
b) 5
c) Compilation error
d) NullPointerException

Answer is b, because static variables are related to class and not instance. Hence te instance value doesnt hold good if a static variable is tried to access.
Q3)What is the o/p of following program?

  class Father {

   protected Father() {
    System.out.println("Created a Father");
 public class Child extends Father {

   private Child() {
    System.out.println("Inside child");
   public static void main(String args[]) {
    new Child();
a) Inside Child
b) Created a Father
c) Compilation error
d) Created a Father Inside Child

Answer is d. As a rule always the parent default constructor is called and then child constructor.
Q4)What is the o/p of following program?

  class Father {

   protected Father(String str) {
    System.out.println("Created a Father " +str);
 public class Child extends Father {

   private Child() {
    System.out.println("Inside child");
   public static void main(String args[]) {
    new Child();
a) Inside Child
b) Created a Father
c) Compilation error
d) Created a Father Hi Inside Child

Answer is c. As a rule always the parent default constructor should be always present if a parameterized constructor is created. In this case create a default constructor for Father class.
Q5)What is a WeakHashMap?

a) A hashtable-based Map implementation with weak keys
b) A list with weak references to objects
c) A hasttable map with duplictated keys
d) A general purpose hashtable-based implementation to better store.

Answer is a.
Q6)Which of the following is/are true?

a) if("String ".trim() == "String")
b) if(" String ".trim() == "String")
c) if("String".trim() == "String")
d) if("Str ing ".trim() == "String")

Answer is c. trim() function is only performed if blankspaces are present at the beginning or end. If not present it will return the same string. Hence the function will return true. Bit if the string contains blankspaces, subString() is called to trim the string and return a new String using new operator
Q7) Which of the following lines allow main method to be executed by ClassLoader?

1: public static String main(String args[]);
2: protected static void main(String args[]);
3: final public static void main(String args[]);
4: public static void main();
5: private static void main(String args[]);
6: public void main(String args[]);

Answer is 3. Only final,public, static ,void is allowed with main method.
Q8) What is o/p of following program?

 public class FinalVar {
  private int final i;

   public static void main(String args[]){
    System.out.println(new FinalVar().i);

a) 1
b) 0
c) RunTimeException occurs
d) Compile time error 'i should be initialized'
Answer is variable need to be declared always even the default value should be mentioned explicitly. 

Programming Questions

Q1)What is the o/p of following program?

  public class Question05 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
    Question05Sub myref = new Question05Sub();
      }catch(IOException ioe){}

   void test() throws IOException{
   System.out.println("In Question05");
   throw new IOException();

  class Question05Sub extends Question05 {

    void test() {
     System.out.println("In Question05Sub");

a) In Question05
b) In Question05Sub
c) Compilation error
d) In Question05
  In Question05Sub
Answer is c. If the parent method throws a Checked Exception then the child class overriding it can throw same exception or unchecked exception or any subclass of the Exception thrown (in this case subclass of IOException)
Q2) What is the o/p of following program?

 public class ThreadClass {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
    new ThreadClass().doSomething();

   public void doSomething(){
    int i=5;
    Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable(){
    public void run(){
     for(int j=0;j<=i;j++){
      System.out.print(" "+j);

a) Print 0,1,2,3,4
b) Print 1,2,3,4
c) Compilation error
d) throws RunTimeException

Answer is c, the local variable i cannot be accessed directly inside inner class. To make it accessible it should be declared as final.
Q3)What is the o/p of following program?

 public class Parent {

  static {
   System.out.println("Inside Parent static");
    System.out.println("Inside Parent init");
   public Parent(){
    System.out.println("Parent Const");
   public static void main(String args[]){
    new MyChild();


 class MyChild extends Parent{

   static {
    System.out.println("Inside Child static");
    System.out.println("Inside Child init");
   public MyChild(){
    System.out.println("Child Const");


a)  Inside Parent static
 Inside Child static
 Inside Parent init
 Parent Const
 Inside Child init
 Child Const

b)  Inside Parent static
 Inside Child static
 Inside Parent init
 Inside Child init
 Parent Const
 Child Const

c)  Inside Parent static
 Inside Child static
 Inside Parent init
 Inside Child init
 Child Const
 Parent Const

d)  Inside Parent init
 Inside Child init
 Inside Parent static
 Inside Child static
 Child Const
 Parent Const

Answer is a.
Q4)What is the o/p of following program?

 public class Test {

   public static void main(String args[]){
    int i = 132;
    short s = 15;
    byte b = (byte)i;
    int x = b + s;

a) 147
b) -109
c) Compilation error
d) Rutime error

Answer is b.
Q5)What is o/p of following program?

 public class Test {

   public static void main(String args[]){
    int i = 132;
    List list = new ArrayList();
    list.add(new Object());

a) Hi
b)Compilation Error
c) Runtime Error
d) 132

Answer is a.
Q6)Which of the o/p following program?

 public class StringTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      String String = "String"; //line 1
      int temp = 2; //line 2
      Object:for(int main=0;main       System.out.print(String.charAt(main)+" "); //line 4
      if(main>temp) //line 5
       break Object; //line 6

a) Prints S r n
b) Prints t i g
c) Compilation Error
d) Prints t g


Answer is a.
Q7) Select methods that correctly overload the following method
byte bMethod(short i) throws Exception {...}

a) int bMethod(int i) throws IOException{...}
b) protected int bMethod(short s) throws FileNotFoundException{...}
c) private String aMethod(byte b,short s) throws Exception{...}
d) char bMethod(String s) throws RuntimeException{...}
e) int bMethod(short sh){...}

Answer is a,c,d.
Q8) What is o/p of following program?

 public class FinalVar {
  private int final i;

   public static void main(String args[]){
    System.out.println(new FinalVar().i);

a) 1
b) 0
c) RunTimeException occurs
d) Compile time error 'i should be initialized'
Answer is variable need to be declared always even the default value should be mentioned explicitly. 

Programming Questions

Q1)What is the o/p of following program?

  public class Widening1 {

    public void f1(Object o1){
      System.out.println("Inside f1 with object as argument");

    public void f1(String s){
      System.out.println("Inside f1 with String as argument");
    public static void main(String[] args) {

      new Widening1().f1(null);

a) Inside f1 with String as argument
b) Inside f1 with object as argument
c) Compilation error
d) Runtime error


Answer is a. Since the parameter passed to function is null so a function which has parameter less broad or wide is called.In this case it is String as String extends Object and has less scope.
Q2) What is the o/p of following program?

  public class Widening1 {

    public void f1(Object o1){
      System.out.println("Inside f1 with object as argument");

    public void f1(String s){
      System.out.println("Inside f1 with String as argument");
    public void f1(String s){
      System.out.println("Inside f1 with Integer as argument");
    public static void main(String[] args) {

      new Widening1().f1(null);

a) Inside f1 with String as argument
b) Inside f1 with object as argument
c) Compilation error
d) Inside f1 with object as argument


Answer is c, Since the parameter passed to function is null so a function which has parameter less broad or wide is called.In this case String and Integer is at same level and hence causes ambiguity.
Q3)What is the o/p of following program?

  public class MyClass{
    public static void main(String[] args) {

     int[] dest = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5};
      System.out.println(dest[0]+ dest[5]+dest[2]);

a) 052
b) Compilation Error
c) 7

Answer is c. If you are caught with this, then try running it ...
Q4)What is the o/p of following program?

 public class Overloading {

    public void f1(Integer i){
      System.out.println("inside 1");

    public void f1(int i){
      System.out.println("inside 2");

    public static void main(String args[]){
      new Overloading().f1(8);

a) inside 1
b) inside 2
c) Compilation error
d) Rutime error

Answer is b.
Q5)Wil this code compile fine?

 public class FinalHashMap {

    1  private static final Map map = new HashMap();
    2  public static void main(String[] args) {

      3  map.put("param1","value1");
      4  map.put("param2","value2");
      5  map=new HashMap();

a) Yes
b)No,Compilation Error at line 3
c)No, Runtime Error
d)No,Compilation Error at line 5

Answer is d.Once declared the final variable cannot be initialized again
Q6)Which of the o/p following program?

 public class FinalHashMap {

    1  private final Map map = new HashMap();
    2  public static void main(String[] args) {

      3  map.put("param1","value1");
      4  map.put("param2","value2");
      5  map=new HashMap();

a) Yes
b)No,Compilation Error at line 3
c)No, Runtime Error
d)No,Compilation Error at line 5

Answer is b. Non static variable cannot be used inside static variable.
Q7) What is o/p of following program

 public class Parent {

    public static void staticMethod(){
      System.out.println("Inside Parent static");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      Parent p = new Child();


 class Child extends Parent {
    public static void staticMethod(){
      System.out.println("Inside Child static");

a) Inside Parent static
b) Inside Child static
c) Compilte time error.


Answer is a. Static method cannot be overriden.
Q8) Is it compulsory to implement print() method in abstract class?

 public interface Interface1 {

    void print(String str);

 public abstract class AbstractClass implements Interface1 {

Answer is No. 

64 Java questions for any job interview

1. Which
of the following are valid definitions of an application’s main( ) method?
a) public static void main();
b) public static void main( String args );
c) public static void main( String args[] );
d) public static void main( Graphics g );
e) public static boolean main( String args[] );
2. If were compiled as an
application and then run from the command line as:
              java MyProg I like tests
what would be the value of args[ 1 ] inside
the main( ) method?
a) MyProg
b) "I"
c) "like"
d) 3
e) 4
f) null until a value is assigned

3. Which of the following are Java keywords?
a) array
b) boolean
c) Integer
d) protect
e) super
4. After the declaration:
char[] c = new char[100];
what is the value of c[50]?
a) 50
b) 49
c) ‘\u0000′
d) ‘\u0020′
e) " "
f) cannot be determined
g) always null until a value is
5. After the declaration:
int x;
the range of x is:
a) -231 to 231-1

b) -216 to 216 -
c) -232 to 232
d) -216 to 216
e) cannot be determined; it depends on
the machine
6. Which identifiers are valid?
a) _xpoints
b) r2d2
c) bBb$
d) set-flow
e) thisisCrazy
7. Represent the number 6 as a hexadecimal

8. Which of the following statements assigns "Hello Java" to the
String variable s?
a) String s = "Hello Java";
b) String s[] = "Hello Java";
c) new String s = "Hello Java";
d) String s = new String("Hello Java");
9. An integer, x has a binary value (using 1
byte) of 10011100. What is the binary value of z after these statements:
int y = 1 << 7;
int z = x & y;
a) 1000 0001
b) 1000 0000
c) 0000 0001
d) 1001 1101
e) 1001 1100
10. Which statements are accurate:
a) >>
performs signed shift while >>> performs an unsigned shift.
b) >>> performs a
signed shift while >> performs an unsigned shift.
c) << performs a
signed shift while <<< performs an insigned shift.
d) <<< performs a
signed shift while << performs an unsigned shift.
11. The statement …

String s = "Hello" +

yields the same value for s as …
String s = "Hello";
String s2= "Java";
s.concat( s2 );
12. If you compile and execute an application
with the following code in its main() method:

        String s = new String( "Computer" );
        if( s == "Computer" )
               System.out.println( "Equal A" );
        if( s.equals( "Computer" ) )
               System.out.println( "Equal B" );
a) It will not compile because the
String class does not support the = = operator.
b) It will compile and run, but
nothing is printed.
c) "Equal A" is the only
thing that is printed.
d) "Equal B" is the only
thing that is printed.
e) Both "Equal A" and
"Equal B" are printed.
13. Consider the two statements:

        1. boolean passingScore = false && grade == 70;
        2. boolean passingScore = false & grade == 70;
The expression
grade == 70
is evaluated:
a) in both 1 and 2
b) in neither 1 nor 2
c) in 1 but not 2
d) in 2 but not 1
e) invalid because false should be
14. Given the variable declarations below:
byte myByte;
int myInt;
long myLong;
char myChar;
float myFloat;
double myDouble;
Which one of the following assignments would
need an explicit cast?
a) myInt
= myByte;

b) myInt
= myLong;

c) myByte
= 3;

d) myInt
= myChar;

e) myFloat
= myDouble;

f) myFloat
= 3;

g) myDouble
= 3.0;

15. Consider this class example:
class MyPoint 
{  void myMethod() 
   {  int x, y;
      x = 5; y = 3;
      System.out.print( " ( " + x + ", " + y + " ) " );
      switchCoords( x, y );
      System.out.print( " ( " + x + ", " + y + " ) " );
   void switchCoords( int x, int y ) 
   {  int temp;
      temp = x;
      x = y;
      y = temp;
      System.out.print( " ( " + x + ", " + y + " ) " );
What is printed to standard output if myMethod()
is executed?
a) (5, 3) (5, 3) (5, 3)
b) (5, 3) (3, 5) (3, 5)
c) (5, 3) (3, 5) (5, 3)
16. To declare an array of 31 floating
point numbers representing snowfall for each day of March in Gnome, Alaska,
which declarations would be valid?
a) double
snow[] = new double[31];

b) double
snow[31] = new array[31];

c) double
snow[31] = new array;

d) double[]
snow = new double[31];

17. If arr[] contains only positive integer values, what does this
function do?
public int guessWhat( int arr[] )
{  int x= 0;
   for( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
      x = x < arr[i] ? arr[i] : x;
   return x;
a) Returns the index of the highest
element in the array
b) Returns true/false if there
are any elements that repeat in the array
c) Returns how many even numbers are
in the array
d) Returns the highest element in the
e) Returns the number of question
marks in the array
18. Consider the code below:

arr[0] = new int[4];
arr[1] = new int[3];
arr[2] = new int[2];
arr[3] = new int[1];
for( int n = 0; n < 4; n++ )
System.out.println( /* what goes here? */ );
Which statement below, when inserted as the
body of the for loop, would print the number of values in each row?
a) arr[n].length();
b) arr.size;
c) arr.size-1;
d) arr[n][size];
e) arr[n].length;
19. If size = 4, triArraylooks like:
int[][] makeArray( int size) 
{  int[][] triArray = new int[size] [];
   int val=1;
   for( int i = 0; i < triArray.length; i++ ) 
   {  triArray[i] = new int[i+1];
          for( int j=0; j < triArray[i].length; j++ )
      {  triArray[i][j] = val++;
   return triArray;
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9

1 4 9 16

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10

20. Which of the following are legal
declarations of a two-dimensional array of integers?
a) int[5][5]a = new int[][];
b) int a = new int[5,5];
c) int[]a[] = new int[5][5];
d) int[][]a = new[5]int[5];
21. Which of the following are correct methods
for initializing the array "dayhigh" with 7 values?
a) int dayhigh = { 24, 23, 24, 25, 25, 23, 21 };
b) int dayhigh[] = { 24, 23, 24, 25, 25, 23, 21 };
c) int[] dayhigh = { 24, 23, 24, 25, 25, 23, 21 };
d) int dayhigh [] = new int[24, 23, 24, 25, 25, 23, 21];
e) int dayhigh = new[24, 23, 24, 25, 25, 23, 21];
22. If you want subclasses to access, but not to
override a superclass member method, what keyword should precede the name of
the superclass method?

23. If you want a member variable to not be accessible outside the current
class at all, what keyword should precede the name of the variable when
declaring it?

24. Consider the code below:
public static void main( String args[] )
{  int a = 5;
   System.out.println( cube( a ) );
int cube( int theNum )
   return theNum * theNum * theNum;
What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?
a) It will not compile because cube is
already defined in the java.lang.Math class.
b) It will not compile because cube is
not static.
c) It will compile, but throw an
arithmetic exception.
d) It will run perfectly and print
"125" to standard output.
25. Given the variables defined below:
int one = 1;
int two = 2;
char initial = ‘2′;
boolean flag = true;
Which of the following are valid?
a) if(
one ){}

b) if(
one = two ){}

c) if(
one == two ){}

d) if(
flag ){}

e) switch(
one ){}

f) switch(
flag ){}

g) switch(
initial ){}

26. If val = 1 in the code below:
switch( val ) 
{  case 1: System.out.print( "P" );
   case 2: 
   case 3: System.out.print( "Q" );
   case 4: System.out.print( "R" );
   default: System.out.print( "S" );
Which values would be printed?
a) P
b) Q
c) R
d) S
27. Assume that val has been defined as an int for the
code below:
if( val > 4 ) 
{  System.out.println( "Test A" );
else if( val > 9 ) 
{  System.out.println( "Test B" );
else System.out.println( "Test C" );
Which values of val will
result in "Test C" being printed:
a) val < 0
b) val between 0 and 4
c) val between 4 and 9
d) val > 9
e) val = 0
f) no values for val will be satisfactory

28. What exception might a wait()
method throw?

29. For the code:
m = 0;
while( m++ < 2 )
   System.out.println( m );
Which of the following are printed to
standard output?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) Nothing and an exception
is thrown
30. Consider the code fragment below:
outer: for( int i = 1; i <3; i++ )
   {  inner: for( j = 1; j < 3; j++ )
      {  if( j==2 )
            continue outer;
            System.out.println( "i = " +i ", j = " + j );
Which of the following would be printed to standard output?
a) i = 1, j = 1
b) i = 1, j = 2
c) i = 1, j = 3
d) i = 2, j = 1
e) i = 2, j = 2
f) i = 2, j = 3
g) i = 3, j = 1
h) i = 3, j = 2
31. Consider the code below:
void myMethod() 
{  try 
   catch( NullPointerException npex ) 
      System.out.println( "NullPointerException thrown " );
   catch( Exception ex ) 
         System.out.println( "Exception thrown " );
      System.out.println( "Done with exceptions " ); 
   System.out.println( "myMethod is done" );
What is printed to standard output if fragile()
throws an IllegalArgumentException?
a) "NullPointerException thrown"
b) "Exception thrown"
c) "Done with exceptions"
d) "myMethod is done"
e) Nothing is printed
32. Consider the following code sample:
class Tree{}
class Pine extends Tree{}
class Oak extends Tree{}
public class Forest 
{  public static void main( String[] args ) 
   {  Tree tree = new Pine();
      if( tree instanceof Pine )
      System.out.println( "Pine" );
      if( tree instanceof Tree )
      System.out.println( "Tree" );
      if( tree instanceof Oak )
      System.out.println( "Oak" );
      else System.out.println( "Oops" );
Select all choices that will be printed:
a) Pine
b) Tree
c) Forest
d) Oops
e) (nothing printed)
33. Consider the classes defined below:
class Super 
        int methodOne( int a, long b ) throws IOException 
        { // code that performs some calculations
        float methodTwo( char a, int b )
        { // code that performs other calculations
public class Sub extends Super
Which of the following are legal method
declarations to add to the class Sub? Assume that each method is the only one being added.
a) public static void main( String args[] ){}
b) float methodTwo(){}
c) long methodOne( int c, long d ){}
d) int methodOne( int c, long d ) throws

e) int methodOne( int c, long d ) throws

34. Assume that Sub1 and Sub2 are both
subclasses of class Super.
Given the declarations:
Super super = new Super();
Sub1 sub1 = new Sub1();
Sub2 sub2 = new Sub2();
Which statement best describes the result of
attempting to compile and execute the following statement:
super = sub1;
a) Compiles and definitely legal at
b) Does not compile
c) Compiles and may be illegal at
35. For the following code:

class Super 
{  int index = 5;
   public void printVal() 
      {  System.out.println( "Super" );
class Sub extends Super
{  int index = 2;
   public void printVal() 
   {  System.out.println( "Sub" );
public class Runner 
{  public static void main( String argv[] ) 
   {  Super sup = new Sub();
      System.out.print( sup.index + "," );
What will be printed to standard output?
a) The code will not compile.
b) The code compiles and "5,
Super" is printed to standard output.
c) The code compiles and "5,
Sub" is printed to standard output.
d) The code compiles and "2,
Super" is printed to standard output.
e) The code compiles and "2,
Sub" is printed to standard output.
f) The code compiles, but throws an
36. How many objects are eligible for garbage
collection once execution has reached the line labeled Line A?
String name;
String newName = "Nick";
newName = "Jason";
name = "Frieda";
String newestName = name;
name = null;
//Line A
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) 4
37. Which of the following statements about
Java’s garbage collection are true?
a) The garbage
collector can be invoked explicitly using a Runtime object.
b) The finalize method is
always called before an object is garbage collected.
c) Any class that includes
a finalize method should invoke its superclass’ finalize method.
d) Garbage collection
behavior is very predictable.
38. What line of code would begin execution of a
thread named myThread?

39. Which methods are required to implement the interface Runnable.
a) wait()
b) run()
c) stop()
d) update()
e) resume()
40. What class defines the wait() method?

41. For what reasons might a thread stop execution?
a) A thread with higher priority
began execution.
b) The thread’s wait() method was invoked.
c) The thread invoked its yield() method.
d) The thread’s pause() method was invoked.
e) The thread’s sleep() method was invoked.
42. Which method below can change a String object, s ?
a) equals( s )
b) substring(
s )

c) concat(
s )

d) toUpperCase(
s )

e) none of the above will change s
43. If s1 is declared as:
String s1 =

What will be the value of s2 after
the following line of code:
String s2 = s1.substring( 3, 5 );
  1. a) null
    b) "eno"
    c) "enoba"
    d) "no"

    44. What method(s)
    from the java.lang.Math class might method() be if the statement
    method( -4.4 )
    == -4;

    is true.
    b) min()
    c) trunc()
    d) abs()
    e) floor()
    f) ceil()

    45. Which methods
    does java.lang.Math include for trigonometric computations?
    b) cos()
    c) tan()
    d) aSin()
    e) aCos()
    f) aTan()
    g) toDegree()

    46. This piece of
    TextArea ta =
    new TextArea( 10, 3 );

    Produces (select
    all correct statements):
    a TextArea with 10 rows and up to 3 columns
    b) a TextArea with a
    variable number of columns not less than 10 and 3 rows
    c) a TextArea that may not
    contain more than 30 characters
    d) a TextArea that can be

    47. In the list below, which subclass(es) of Component cannot be directly
    b) Dialog
    c) Container
    d) Frame

    48. Of the five Component methods listed below, only one is also a method
    of the class MenuItem. Which one?
    boolean b )

    b) setEnabled( boolean b )
    c) getSize()
    d) setForeground( Color c )
    e) setBackground( Color c )

    49. If a font with
    variable width is used to construct the string text for a column, the
    initial size of the column is:
    determined by the number of characters in the string, multiplied by the
    width of a character in this font
    b) determined by the number of
    characters in the string, multiplied by the average width of a character
    in this font
    c) exclusively determined by the
    number of characters in the string
    d) undetermined

    50. Which of the
    following methods from the java.awt.Graphics class would be used to draw the outline of a
    rectangle with a single method call?
    c) fillPolygon()
    d) drawPolygon()
    e) drawLine()

    51. The Container methods add( Component comp ) and add( String name, Component comp) will throw an IllegalArgumentException
    if comp is a:

    a) button
    b) list
    c) window
    d) textarea
    e) container that contains
    this container
    52. Of the following AWT classes, which one(s) are responsible for implementing the components layout?

    b) GridBagLayout
    c) ActionListener
    d) WindowAdapter
    e) FlowLayout

    53. A component that should resize vertically but not horizontally should
    be placed in a:
    BorderLayout in the North or South location
    b) FlowLayout as the first
    c) BorderLayout in the
    East or West location
    d) BorderLayout in the
    Center location
    e) GridLayout

    54. What type of object is the parameter for all methods of the
    MouseListener interface?

    55. Which of the following statements about event handling in JDK 1.1 and
    later are true?
    A class can implement multiple listener interfaces
    b) If a class implements a listener
    interface, it only has to overload the methods it uses
    c) All of the MouseMotionAdapter class
    methods have a void return type.

    56. Which of the
    following describe the sequence of method calls that result in a component
    being redrawn?
    invoke paint() directly
    b) invoke update which
    calls paint()
    c) invoke repaint() which invokes update(),
    which in turn invokes paint()
    d) invoke repaint() which invokes paint directly

    57. Which of these is a correct fragment within the
    web-app element of deployment descriptor.
    Select the two correct
    1. <error-page>
      <location>/error.jsp</location> </error-page>
    2. <error-page>
      <location>/error.jsp</location> </error-page>
    3. <error-page> <exception-type>mypackage.MyException</exception-type>
      <error-code>404</error-code> </error-page>
    4. <error-page>
      <location>/error.jsp</location> </error-page>
58. A
bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement
id="fruit" class="Fruit"/>
Which of the following statements may be used to set the of color
property of the bean. Select the one correct answer.

1. <jsp:setColor
id="fruit" property="color" value="white"/>
2. <jsp:setColor
name="fruit" property="color" value="white"/>
3.    <jsp:setValue
name="fruit" property="color" value="white"/>
4.    <jsp:setProperty
name="fruit" property="color" value="white">
5.    <jsp:setProperty
name="fruit" property="color" value="white"/>
<jsp:setProperty id="fruit"
property="color" value="white">
59. What gets printed when the following JSP code is
invoked in a browser. Select the one correct
if(Math.random() < 0.5){ %>
} else { %>
} %>
The browser will print either hello or
hi based upon the return value of random.
The string hello will always get
The string hi will always get printed.
The JSP file will not compile.
60. Given the following web application deployment descriptor:
Which statements are true?
  • 1) servlet-mapping element should be inside servlet element
  • 2) url-pattern can’t be defined that way.
  • 3) if you make the http call: href="http://host/servlet/">http://host/Hello.jsp the servlet container will execute MyServlet.
  • 4) It would work with any extension excepting jsp,html,htm 61.Name the class that includes the getSession method that is used to get the HttpSession object.
      1. HttpServletRequest
      2. HttpServletResponse
      3. SessionContext
      4. SessionConfig
    62. What will be the result of running the following jsp
    file taking into account that the Web server has just been started and this is
    the first page loaded by the server?

    request.getSession(false).getId() %>
    1)It won’t
    2)It will
    print the session id.
    3)It will produce a NullPointerException as the
    getSession(false) method’s call returns null, cause no session had been
    4)It will
    produce an empty page.
    63. The
    page directive is used to convey information about the page to JSP container.
    Which of these are legal syntax of page directive. Select the two correct

      1. <% page info="test page" %>
      2. <%@ page info="test page"
      3. <%@ page session="true" %>
      4. <%@ page
        isErrorPage="errorPage.jsp" %>
      5. <%@ page isThreadSafe=true %>
    64. Which
    of the following are methods of the Cookie Class?

            1) setComment
            2) getVersion
            3) setMaxAge
            4) getSecure
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